The new greenhouse gas emissions inventory for the years 1990-2023 was sent to the European Commission on 15 January 2025 in accordance with the Governance Regulation of the Energy Union. The statistical data collected for 2023 by individual sectors and categories confirmed the decreasing trend of emissions in the energy industry and manufacturing, in services, and in households. Industrial sectors reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 3% year-on-year, mainly in the mineral and chemical industries. In contrast, nitrous oxide emissions increased in agriculture by 10% year-on-year, mainly due to the intensification of agricultural soil fertilization. Emissions from waste management decreased by 4% year-on-year. Removals from forests and soil increased slightly, which is, however, only a very temporary trend. In the long term, a decrease in removals in Slovakia is expected due to the aging forest.
Emissions from road transportation in Slovakia wasn´t successfully reduced for the long time. Despite some measures that were implemented in the past, they appeared to be ineffective in reversing the trends of increasing diesel oil and gasoline consumption. In 2023, diesel oil consumption decreased for the first time since the early 1990s and emissions decreased slightly. It will be interesting to see whether this trend is confirmed in the following years, as the first estimate for 2024 will be available this summer. Overall, greenhouse gas emissions in 2023 reached 36 094.23 Gg CO2 equivalents without LULUCF removals and including indirect emissions from solvent use.
New inventory is available here.