Results of Household Statistical Survey

The results of analysis of data from the statistical survey in households, conducted from the resources of the LIFE-IP project in collaboration with the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, are presented in the presentation.

Results of Household Statistical Survey

Additionally, we are providing a commentary on the article 'Wood, Coal, Pellets, and Briquettes Used by 190,000 Households. SHMÚ Mapped Heating | ENERGIE-PORTAL.SK.'

The article describes the results presented on April 5, 2023, by experts from SHMÚ – OEaB. A positive finding is that the quantity of purchased wooden briquettes and pellets has increased, as well as the number of households using these alternative fuels, many of them in combination with firewood. Considering that alternative fuels have better heating properties and, consequently, emission characteristics, this can be considered a positive trend in emissions creation in the household sector. Although many households still use high-emission devices, a decline in the proportion of these devices has been observed since the first survey conducted in 2017, especially in favor of low-emission devices. Between 2017 and 2019, the proportion of low-emission devices increased from 15% to 19.5%. The survey in 2022 confirmed this trend, with the share of low-emission devices accounting for almost a quarter of all devices (23.7%). This represents an increase of 8.7% over five years. While the average age of boilers has increased, it is essential to consider that this survey took place three years later. Looking at the average year of production of these devices, we can see a decrease (or increase). In the case of the production year of boilers at the national level in Slovakia, there is a visible increase from 2008 to 2010. In the case of stoves and fireplaces, the average production year changed from 2001 to 2005.