Also this year, results were presented at the conference in the form of posters, which were presented by one of the authors and an invitation to a discussion. This form is commonly used at foreign conferences, and can intensify the discussion and increase interest. Our colleagues from the department prepared a poster that introduced new emission projections of greenhouse gas with a focus on fulfilling Slovakia's reduction targets in individual sectors for the years 2030, 2040 and 2050, when it is expected to achieve a carbon-neutral economy. So far, even the scenario with additional measures does not show that Slovakia is able to achieve this goal in the current setting. Poster can be found HERE.
Contributions focused on several current topics in the field of air protection. A new legislative amendment in the field of air protection was presented. The conference continued with contributions about new possibilities, trends, and technologies for reducing industrial emissions. Colleagues from Italy presented new approaches to reducing odours and dust in industrial environments. A new feature was a panel on the impact of air pollution on human health.
We also participated in a bilateral meeting between SHMÚ, MŽP SR and representatives of the Slovak Guild of Tiled Stove Makers, and the Austrian Stove Fitters Testing and Research Institute. The meeting focused on exchanging experiences and knowledge with an Austrian expert from the research and testing institute in the area of new and appropriate emission factors for combustion devices, such as traditional and modern tiled stoves or other modern combustion devices. An agreement was reached to continue cooperation in exchanging knowledge in this field.
Our department presented two contributions at the conference. The first focused on changes in methodological guidelines, their implementation, and their impact on emission inventories of pollutants. Our presentation can be viewed HERE. The second presentation introduced the Slovak and European Biofuels Database, evaluating the positives and negatives of both databases. This presentation can be viewed HERE.
More photos can be found in our gallery.