
Greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutant from Agriculture.

Projections of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants from the agricultural sector are balanced until 2050. More information on emission projections of from the agricultural sector in Slovakia.

Projections of emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants from the agriculture sector are balanced until 2050.

Based on the available information, two scenarios for the development of emissions after 2018 were developed, a scenario with existing measures (WEM scenario) and a scenario with additional measures (WAM scenario). In the WEM scenario, measures taken until 2020 were implemented, the effect of the measures taken can be seen in the decrease of emissions at the level of -51% compared to 1990. In the WEM scenario, policies and measures from national strategies published in the past were taken into account. The list of policies and measures used was taken from the National Program for Reducing Pollutant Emissions and the Low Carbon Strategy of the Slovak Republic. Even after the implementation of additional measures in the WAM scenario, there was a decrease in emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants compared to the year 1990 by -57%. The WEM scenario has an increasing character compared to 2005 by 12%. In the WAM scenario, there was a slight decrease in emissions by -1% compared to 2005. The increase in emissions projections in the WEM scenarios after 2005 is due to the expected increase in yields per hectare in the part of plant production, which causes pressure for higher consumption of applied nitrogen fertilizers, compensation of organic mass and nutrients to the soil in the form of applied mass of cultivated plants will also increase. Emissions will grow despite the fact that animal production - animal breeding will stagnate, or there will be no significant increases in livestock numbers.

Projections of emissions for the calculation of the binding reduction target within paragraph 5 (3) of the draft law on climate change were calculated for greenhouse gas emissions from the agriculture sector. Based on the results of emission projection modeling, a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 10% in 2030 compared to 2005 was proposed. The goal was prepared according to the WEM and WAM scenarios.

Agriculture in Gg of CO₂ eq.

Expressed in GWP from IPCC AR5 as of 03/15/2023

Agriculture in kilotons

Expressed in kilotons as of 3/15/2023