
Greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutant from energy except transport and households.

Projections of greenhouse gases emissions and air pollutants from the energy sector, including transport and households, are balanced until 2050. More information on emission projections from the energy sector - fossil fuels combustion in Slovakia.

Energy in Gg of CO₂ eq.

Expressed in GWP from IPCC AR5 as of 03/15/2023

Energy in kilotons

Expressed in kilotons as of 03/15/2023

Emission projections

The modeling of emissions projections in the energy sector was based on sectoral trends and developments from the CPS model, and the update was made taking into account the results of the TIMES model in energy and industry categories that are included in the EU ETS system, for example: public production of electricity and heat. The process of improving the TIMES model structure in the energy sector was also supplemented by large emission sources such as steel and iron production, non-metallic mineral production, chemical production and fuel production.

In previous years, a significant decrease in energy intensity was recorded in Slovakia. Gross domestic energy consumption has decreased by more than 11% since 2001. This decrease is associated with a decrease in the consumption of solid and liquid fuels for heating and with a significant decrease in the consumption of natural gas, while the consumption of electricity is relatively stable. On the other hand, a significant increase in biomass is visible. Based on the national energy strategy until 2030, the share of nuclear energy and RES in total energy consumption is expected to increase.

Categories 1.A.1 - energy industry and 1.A.2 – manufactured industry and production, together with the transport sector, are the largest emissions sources in energy sector. Therefore, systematic changes, measures and restrictions are important to reduce emissions in these categories. In the emission trends, a plan for the gradual cessation of energy production from fossil fuels is reflected in category 1.A.1. The shutdown of coal-fired power plants and the transition from solid fossil fuels to natural gas and biomass, or other alternative energy sources (alternative waste), will have a major impact on all types of emissions.

In category 1.A.2, emissions reduction is a more challenging task, as energy production in industrial plants is linked to the production technology itself and changes require costly and complex solutions. This also has the consequence that in the WEM scenario, no reduction of emissions is expected in this category, this is also caused by the assumption of increasing production. Significant emissions reductions can only be seen in category 1.A.2 in the WAM scenario, where the requirement to replace fossil fuels is more widely applied.

Emissions from combustion in the services and households sector fall into category 1.A.4. The household sector is described separately below in the document. Projections of emissions in the services sector and other emissions, other not classified (1.A.5), show a slightly declining trend in both scenarios without a significant difference. They are affected by the expected improvement of the technical condition and efficiency of buildings and the promotion of alternative energy resources.

The following graphs show the relative representation of greenhouse gas emissions allocated in the EU ETS and in the ESR schemes for the energy sector.

Energy in EU ETS in Gg of CO₂ eq.

Expressed in GWP from IPCC AR5 as of 03/15/2023

Energy in ESR in Gg of CO₂ eq.

Expressed in GWP from IPCC AR5 as of 03/15/2023